The Lord came into the world that He might fulfil all things of the Word, and thereby become Divine Truth, or the Word, even in ultimates
The Lord came into the World that He might fulfil all things of the Word. This may be seen in THE DOCTRINE CONCERNING THE LORD, No. 8-11. That He thus became Divine Truth, or the Word, even in ultimates, is meant by the following passage in John:
The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. John i 14.
To be made flesh is to become the Word in ultimates; and what the Lord was, as the Word in ultimates, He showed to His disciples when He was transfigured,
Matt. xvii 2-9; Mark ix 2-9; and Luke ix 28-36.
It is there said that Moses and Elias appeared in glory; and by Moses and Elias is meant the Word, as may be seen above No. 48. The Lord as the Word in ultimates is also described by John in the Revelation i 13-16, where all the details in the description of Him signify the ultimates of Divine Truth, or of the Word. Before this the Lord was indeed the Word, but in first principles; for it is said:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This was in the beginning with God. John i 1, 2.
When, however, the Word was made flesh, then the Lord became the Word in ultimates also; and from this fact He is called
The First and the Last. Rev. i 8, 11, 17; ii 8; xxi 6; xxii 12, 13.