1149. About those who like to speak quietly, as if [whispering] into the ear
There are spirits, who have spoken with me many times, but by murmuring, and in fact near my left ear. They were trying to speak into my ear so that no one would hear. I was allowed to tell them that that kind of whispering was not proper in heaven. It meant they had been gossips in their lifetime, watching for the faults and blemishes of others and telling on them to their comrades when no one was listening, or if in their presence, whispering into their friends' ears. They had viewed all the faults of others unfavorably, even if they were not [really] faults. There are many such people, who watch every least move, interpreting them unfavorably. They not only have in them something deceitful in wanting to mock their friends, but they are also putting themselves above others-so they can in no way be admitted into a circle of heavenly beings. They are cast out at once, as if by their own weightiness, for such things are sensed immediately. Furthermore, such talking is heard at a greater distance, and more loudly, than outright talking. 1748, 3 March.