Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1377

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1377. The same spirit says that he wants to stop, but still he cannot

The same one who endured that punishment has said several times that he wanted to stop, and I also noticed that when he was afraid, he did want to. But because the thought clings to him that he is unable, therefore, so that he might indeed be able to stop-just as he is able to understand that this [conceit] is wicked-he is being compelled by punishments. These or similar punishments were said to have been inflicted on him now ten times. I saw this same spirit under a veil before [1373]. But still he continues. It is now 17 centuries that he has been like this, being among those toward the front regions at the level of the left eye, who hate inward and very inward truths. He is different in one respect, namely, that being conceited and thinking himself to possess great powers [of discernment], he would acknowledge those truths if he could think that they originated from himself. 1748, 15 March.

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