Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1400

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1400. It is the same as if one knew nothing more than that there is an earth, but did not know about its kingdoms, its governments, its societies; then one does not know what the earth is. It is from the knowledge of what is on the earth that a person knows what the earth is. It is the same in other cases. If, for example, one knows that man is equipped with a body, but does not know what is in the body, then one knows nothing at all. But when we look into it and see the wonders it contains, then we become aware of its countless different parts. In like manner, when we only know that we are able to think, then we know nothing; but when we learn that there are innumerable things [involved in the thinking process] that can never be encompassed by any science, only then are we beginning to know [something]. If I only know that such and such a science exists, and nothing more, then I know nothing; but when I learn the science, then I begin to know that there is nothing that does not contain what is beyond number. Or if one says "the whole world" without knowing what is in the world, one knows nothing. 1748, 15 March.

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