Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1436

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1436. About the seeds of faith taking root

Seeds of faith that have taken root in a person on earth, a soul, a spirit, and also in an angel, by means of enlightened knowledge [implanted] and then branching and sprouting in different directions, are of this nature: when a religious truth has been implanted, then gradually it grows out into many truths, as if taking over the whole space, and falsities are gradually consumed. For a truth of religion once conceived begets many, like rivulets of water from a spring, or roots of a tree in the earth; or like a tuberous root that has gone deep down, and at length takes up space by expanding, and consumes anything in its way. First, evils are wiped away in the person, otherwise [religious truth] cannot be implanted. Evils are the "tares" that put forth roots widely, obstructing the roots of the good seed. After that comes conviction of the truth of religion, which gives birth to derivative convictions joined with other enlightened knowledge. Next comes the love of truth. Thus that seed reproduces and bears fruit beyond measure.

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