Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1490

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1490. People like this are not satisfied just to destroy the body, except together with torment, which they enjoy. But this is not enough without thinking [of destroying their victims] inwardly, going further and by various deceptions filthily trying to pervert their moral life, even their spiritual life. Thus whatever goodness they notice in their civil, moral, even spiritual life, they at once pervert in short order, thus jeopardizing their happiness. So they attempt to destroy the eternal happiness of their enemy, declaring that they enjoy this immensely. The more deeply they are able to penetrate, and then pervert, the harder they try, using all different kinds of tricks. For such people are also very sharp-sighted, because they think a great deal, mulling over their hatreds. It was said that they are in the thousands.

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