1795. About the wickedness of some spirits
The wickedness of spirits consists not only in bringing on thoughts and speaking in people, but also responses, such that they cannot tell but that they are answering, that is, with a favorable response. I have learned this from actual experience on many occasions, and have scolded spirits. This they have learned from practice, for in this way they are able to lead people astray very easily, so that they control almost the whole person, both in speaking and in answering. At the same time, they also inspire the kind of desires that reinforce their response, in a way that the people cannot at all tell but that it is themselves. For while having the desire, they are living it and believe it is themselves. Such is the wickedness of some spirits, as I can affirm with certainty from experience. For they have spoken with me over a long period of time, and I have scolded them for their doings. 1748, 30 March.