233. About displays
It is customary with some to present displays especially of holy things, and to make dramatizations of sacred subjects. Dramatizations of this type are not allowable, because the image of them remains after death and by the profane is turned into profane portrayals. For the level of their character determines the subject matter of the portrayals in the least details, so that when the character is corrupt, it follows that the rest of the contents, or the individual details, reflect that, and take on a melancholy and profane countenance. However, displays of this kind are turned in a different direction by those who are of an upright character, and are innocent, which I experienced tonight while in a wakeful state. For little children, together with innocent souls, softly portrayed the Messiah let down into the tomb, but never did they show the Messiah, but another, in a way that one could know from a afar that the Messiah was being represented; then also how, after the resurrection, He descended to those bound in the pit, and loosed the captives there, and led them with Him to heaven; and that He was joined to His Divine Essence. But as I have said, these things were portrayed so softly, and so devoutly, that they were not in the least allowed to think of God the Messiah except thus as if from afar, so that it would be in no way frightening, as are the dramatizations on earth.* 1747, the 1st day of November (old calendar). * "Apparently a reference to the so-called Miracle, Mystery, or Passion Plays common in the Middle Age" - A. W. Acton.