Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2613

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2613. I also saw that they had communication with the foot toward the heel, then toward the sole, which communication I was allowed to feel, so that that restful pleasantness spread toward the heel of the foot, or to the heel, spoken of in the book of Genesis [3:15, 25:26], and I believe elsewhere, just as there is also communication in the human of the side of the thigh with the heel, as is evident from the extension of the muscles and nerves. For there are nerves that are devoted to the province of marriage love stretching from the thigh downward to the heel. This nerve is meant that was dislocated in Jacob when he wrestled with the angel until daybreak [Gen. 32:24-5], and it was because of this that the descendants do not eat that part, or the dislocated nerve* [v. 32], which is still more evident from the things subsequently seen by me, now being revealed to me from heaven. * NKJV has "the muscle that shrank."

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