Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2631

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2631. The Hebrew Language has nothing artificial, [but is] as when spirits are speaking

The Hebrew Language is such as to embrace ideas, and in fact each of the words contain many ideas, so that they are general ideas more than the words of any other language. This is clear from many considerations, among others that there had been no vowels there so that the meaning of the letter would be known from the inward meaning, but not the inward meaning from the meaning of the letter, which is what happens instead when vowels are attached [see 2414]. Therefore, one who sees the meaning of the letter from the inward meaning understands better without vowels what was written by Hebrew letters, than with them. Therefore also words that are names are not signaled by initial capitals, therefore neither is there any punctuation by means of commas, and the like, as in languages in which the attention is on the meaning of the letter. Furthermore, the mode of speaking in the Word is natural, not artificial, as is clearly evident from many things, as for example that they speak almost everywhere as if the very person were speaking, and it is not said that he spoke thus, but [it is] as if he himself were speaking. So in other cases. 1748, 17 July.

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