2638. Continuation about the threshers and saws spoken of earlier, 16 July
As to what "threshers"* are, see earlier [2615], namely, that they are vessels for grinding herbs with threshing tools, in this passage [2 Sam. 15:31] tools of iron, by which they are broken up into small pieces. In the other life the gang that takes pleasure in cruelty and adulteries, and inhabits the region of the left heel, in their fantasy seem to themselves to be using such tools, practicing their perpetual cruelty. Therefore David had learned of them from such spirits, or from his companions who had had visions and seen them with those spirits. And he employed the same cruelty, a purely hellish cruelty that had never been commanded him, so that they might also find out what David was like even though holy things were portrayed by him. * NKJV has "saws."