Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2681

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2681. About the Aura of those who regard others as nothing

Someone who had been great in life and seemed to himself to be wise beyond others, was raised up from the foot-sole, where he had been, into the realm above and near the head, and around the front parts toward a group of spirits. Because in life he, together with his associates, had been the kind who regarded others as nothing, but himself as greater and wiser than all mortals, and because he was adored as such by those under him, he brought along that earthly character that emanates an aura. The effect of the aura was that first something like a white veil was twisting around in the atmosphere, which soon became to them like a dense mist, like a sea of mist that covered them over, and crying out they said they are being submerged and could not struggle out, but the mist covered them over. After that they said that they are in such trouble that they could not live, knowing that an aura having such an effect exhaled from him. In this way he caused grave trouble for those who wanted to live licentiously. Such figures are also to be found in everyday life, unless they are kings, toward whom there is not familiarity, but adoration. He also spoke with them, instructing them in matters of life with a gravity like that of Solomon, so I am told. 1748, 25 July.

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