2686. Spirits of the same kind and species can be induced to believe they have the identity [of others], although they do not
Several times I have been shown by experience that spirits had been led to believe they were persons about whose life and manners I was in a position to know something, and due to that knowledge they led other spirits to believe they were those persons. They spoke like them, had the same mannerisms, and many other similarities, so that because of the knowledge in me they could not but believe they were the same persons, even if those people were alive who they were led to believe they were. In fact, they impersonated them so exactly that they departed in no way from how I knew them. For they are images of them, being of the same kind and species as the image of them in the earthly human's idea. Spirits of this kind were with me and spoke with me and wanted to convince me, because they were convinced, that they were those same persons. But because I had learned that other persons can be copied with such similarity, I was not induced to believe.