Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2756

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2756. About the soul

It was granted me to speak with angels about the soul, saying that the human race today does not know what the soul is, and that they develop various hypotheses for themselves about the soul, in ignorance as to what the soul is. I was therefore instructed that if by the soul is meant life, then the Lord Alone is life, but that if by the soul are meant inward human minds, then all those organic substances are called souls that are nearest to and beginnings of the things that follow in order, as that the earthly mind is the nearest soul to those things that belong to the body, that the spiritual mind is the soul of those things that belong to the earthly mind, and that there is a still more inward human soul, unknown to humanity, which is the soul of those things that belong to the spiritual mind.

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