2890. give the Lord the blame! This is in no way the meaning of the general Law, for it is permitted to resist every evil when no other help is at hand, but only with the mind of resisting the evil, not of hating the one who does it, nor with the mind of taking revenge: for then one is given by the Lord, through means suitable at the time, the power of resisting and the mind of resisting, and these kinds of resistance are controlled by the Lord. When they did not understand, or did not wish to understand (not knowing what it is to resist without hatred and revenge and twist the evil back toward someone), they wanted to draw me into some arguments. In reply I said this is a truth and a general law, and if they developed arguments against it, nothing of that law and truth would be understood, but there would only be piles of reasonings, hence mental darkness. 1748, 23 Aug.