Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3024

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3024. As a result, since there are many spirits, or spirits of diverse character, one spirit, or one kind, takes whatever is in the idea that agrees with him, another kind something else, in fact another kind something far from it that I know from experience is dependent upon it-such as those who saw excrements and nothing else [2843, 2850-3, 2901], who strive for nothing else but to learn magic from it and [want to turn] all good into evil [2743].

3024 1/2. The more that ideas have been closed by a person, so that only one thing is being looked at (which results from conviction, from desire, from regarding oneself and worldly things, for so they are closed by the person), the less dangerous it is. For then the ideas of spirits cannot spread around to many things and the person thus be flooded with evils, beyond those which the person had acquired. But for one who has faith, it is all the better the less the ideas are fixed on one thing, but may be applied to every single movement. That is, the more fluidity, if I may say so, there is in a person, and the less stubbornness and hardness, the more easily such a one is bent by the Lord to whatever pleases Him, and to goodness. 1748, 1 Sept.

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