3113. About a certain proud one, inflated to the top
There was a certain one who, although not among the prouder sort, was still among those who had blown themselves up with arrogance in the days of their life. There was a discussion and mental image of those who despise others in comparison with themselves, and think that it is they alone who are living, and like qualities that could fit him-for there are many kinds and species of pride, as many as the fantasies from love of oneself and from despisal of others in comparison with oneself, for which reason he was allowed to be blown up by the fantasy in him at the time. He was being inflated even so as to fill up the universe to the point where there was no more room. So he was searching around himself at all sides, where to go, but as there was no longer anywhere, he could not move, saying he could not exist unless he were restored to his original size. Those who were blowing him up were at the back side of my head, and a little higher than the head. The reason he was thus blown up is that he had an idea of angels as being wretched, and thus worms, creeping, which he also showed by a mental image, because those who think they live from themselves imagine all angels to be like that, thus that they alone are living. So this was his punishment. 1748, 10 Sept.