3210. From one word a person's quality is sometimes recognized
All words are mental images, and one word means several things, also as homonyms.* So in this way, too, it is sometimes revealed what a spirit is like from common words. For example, when it was asked whether someone was merciful, it was said that he was kiarsfull,** which meant mercy. When it came farther on the way to my ears, I heard in the distance that he was merciful, then coming a little bit nearer, that he loved the sex, or women, which that same word also means; then when still nearer, that he was pitch-black, from kiara,*** thus that he was dark.**** 1748, 20 Sept. * Latin affinitates, i.e., in the sense of looking or sounding alike. ** Swedish for "affectionate." *** Old Swedish for tjara, "tar." **** The Latin ater also means "gloomy, unfortunate."