Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3251

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3251. About the inhabitants of Mars

An inhabitant of Mars appeared, because the bird was discussed that seems to symbolize them-so far I have not learned otherwise. He appeared just like a human being in the world, so that I perceive and see him faintly as a human being in his own body. When I was surprised at this, he said one who had had this form in the life of the body cannot appear differently [in the other life]. And those who are such, as are the inhabitants of Mars, are spirits clothed with a body. Nor do they care about their bodies, because they are ruled hardly any differently than spirits, so they know they are spirits clothed with a body. Therefore after the death of the body he remains the same. Such also would the men and sons of the most ancient Church have become, if they had remained in a state of integrity, as it is called.

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