3272. I was investigating the nature of these spirits, for I had been wholly unaware that spirits could ever exist who do not linger at the nearest use of objects, but go on step by step to the ninth stage of progression; so the idea had to be grasped by an example. One example was therefore given to me, namely, Why did I want to know this, or what use was it for me to know it? I at once then mentioned the use closest at hand, passing over the progressive uses to the nearest use or a sort of general one, but this they did not allow, saying that after that comes this use, which likewise progresses to their ninth one. The progression was also given, whereby I learned that it was a kind of multiplication of uses by each other, so to speak, until they arrived at their qualities and quantities, and came to rest there. I was also then given a living perception that they are of this character by a communication of their nature.