3314. Afterwards those spoke with me who had been from the most ancient Church, who are in the highest place, one higher than which I think no place exists, saying they were from it and had been brought together and associated there, not knowing why they were at such a height, and that others seldom came to them, except several times from elsewhere, as they said, from the universe, but from which [earths] they did not know.
3314 1/2. Further, I spoke with them about the Lord. They said they could not speak about the Lord, for their ideas are heavenly, and because there is a spiritual idea in the word Lord, as well as in other words by which the Lord is expressed, such as Jesus and Christ, they could therefore not grasp this, either, because the ideas were covered over by earthly things, because they are names. But when He was portrayed as mediator and regenerator, then about halfway allowing it, they acknowledged it, because there were then heavenly ideas that gave them inner sight. They said they had awaited the Lord, Who was to come, Who would save the universal human race, but only those [said this] who had been alive at that time. When the most ancient Church began to decline and to be corrupted, a revelation was then made to them, for when asked