583. Furthermore, some of their spirits were present with me, to whom I was showing the inhabitants of this planet, whose faces at the time all seemed to me smaller than usual. This happened because they were seeing the faces of the people of our earth as smaller than the faces of their earth's inhabitants, and they said that the faces were not beautiful, both because they were smaller, and because they were quite ugly on account of (koppor, kopparrig*). They said that among them such faces are not to be found, nor people who were blemished in the face by red pimples and the like, because they do not get sick. Some faces they smiled at, namely, those in which the region around the lips somewhat protruded, and those which widened so as to be laughing faces. Sad ones they did not enjoy, because worldly concerns imprint such expressions on them. Thus from the faces, they are able to recognize of what character people are. 1748, 26 January. The annual movement of Jupiter is twelve years, and the diurnal movement six hours. * In the original, two Swedish words, "koppor, kopparrig," meaning "pustules, pock-marked," appear here in parentheses, and in the margin the Latin word "maculati," meaning "blemished."