594. About the disbelief of European spirits
When I was reading something about the suffering of our Savior, certain European spirits who had been called Christians, brought in this and that, wanting to lead astray spirits of the earth Jupiter, with the intent of drawing them away from the true faith so that they could communicate to them their own scandalous thoughts, which are many and relate to the passion and crucifixion of our Savior. However, I said to the inhabitants of Jupiter that among those telling these offensive things, there might be some who in the life of the body were able to be public preachers, and when they were preaching about the Lord's passion had been deeply stirred, and had moved the common people to tears; and yet now they are such scorners, because now they are speaking and reasoning from their character and their heart. Then the inhabitants of the other earth were amazed at this, and dumbfounded that there could have been such a disharmony of their inward parts that they had been able to speak in this manner, and yet have something else at heart - which for them, as they say, is impossible, for their face cannot speak something different than their heart. 1748, the 28th day of January.