Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 688

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688. About horses that were seen

Many times I have seen horses, as well as horse-drawn carriages, and in fact, of various colors and various sizes, as mentioned previously [302, 560, 632]. I have learned today that these stand for human erudition - in the good sense, intelligence, but in the bad sense, that erudition which distorts true intelligence. And once earlier, I learned that one can also tell from the horse's position what it stands for. When the rear end of the horse is turned toward the face, then it symbolizes a distorted order and a distorted belief, brought on by learning - that is, when as a result of learning, people have become insane, or entirely stupid in spiritual matters, believing in nothing but what is earthly and worldly, and that they will die like animals, having no life remaining after their death. In this case their knowledge suffocates all understanding and belief regarding spiritual life. To such as these, the rear end of the horse is turned, indeed, they are cast into the horse. Although unwillingly, they are thrust inside, to their great distress and shame. 1748, 9 February.

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