723. About a kind of spirits who do nothing but engage in robberies and commit butcheries And about the kind who, because of them, seem to themselves to flee to cities, and then dwell in a large city
A kind of roving spirit was shown to me that engages in nothing but plundering and robberies. There first appeared to me a spirit wearing dark blue, and on his head a twisted cap of the same color, like the [headdress] of certain Turks. He came toward me, waving his right hand. Another spirit then told me that he was fleeing, and was terribly afraid of some who do nothing but search for and find people to torture, put to the sword, torment, burn up with fire, boil, and who cruelly maltreat all whom they come across. But about this spirit who waved his hand, he said that such a one usually appears to them, warning them to beware of those robbers, because they are then near at hand.