745. * # # Continuation about the robbers in the desert, and the city
But there was also one who in his crawling got wrapped up in a fine net, so that he was unable to pull himself out of it, but was anxiously crawling greater and greater distances and being tormented. These are the ones whom they want to temper by torture, before admitting them, but likewise afterwards by a spear which the spirit kept holding in his hand, and which formed a leg of that angle [750, 752], and around which a veil was wrapped, under which the spirit [being tormented] had been put. Finally he broke out near the point of the spear, but together with the veil, and not within the boundary toward the city, but toward me, on high. So this is a sign that such a spirit would not enter into that place, or that city. * 745-48 are placed here in accordance with instructions in the manuscript.