Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 767

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767. How the different sciences take hold of the human mind, and limit it

I was talking with spirits about the different sciences, such as philosophy, and others - how they develop human minds. As for philosophy, every aspect of it up until now has done nothing but cast shadows over minds, and thus has closed off the way to a contemplation of deeper matters, as well as of universal principles, for it consists solely of terms, and of disputes about them - even more so does rationalistic philosophy, which constricts ideas in such a way that the mind dwells upon nothing but petty details and consequently on trivia. Besides, it not only obstructs the channels to what is deeper, but also causes blindness, and completely banishes belief. Therefore, in the other life, a philosopher who had clung fast to such details and given himself up to them, is now stupid, and by far less knowledgeable than others.

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