958. About the hardness or softness of calluses
The calluses that are taken out, and by which they examine the souls' outer or bodily qualities brought with them after bodily life [862 ff., 951], are harder or softer, depending upon the state of the actual life they have led. Those that are hard must be softened, which is done by various punishments. Before they soften, the better outer qualities cannot be joined with inner ones, nor can evil qualities, together with their associations, be as it were blotted out. These must be torn out, so to speak, by a spiritual method. Those having harder calluses suffer great, in fact tremendous, pains, and deeper torments, because the roots are affected; while those having softer ones, do not suffer such pains, as I was taught by experience when this same requirement, or [action of] being pulled apart, was performed on me, as on anyone else [404, 932]. 1748, 23 February.