707. A woman encompassed with the sun.- That this signifies the church with those who are in love to the Lord, and thence in love towards the neighbour, is evident from the signification of woman, as denoting the spiritual affection for truth, from which the church is a church, consequently also the church in regard to that affection (concerning which see above, n. 555) - it follows that this means a new church to be established by the Lord at the end of the present church in the Christian world; and from the signification of the sun, as meaning the Lord as to Divine Love, thus also love to the Lord from the Lord (concerning which also see above, n. 401, 412); and from the signification of being encompassed, as denoting to live from it; for the life of the love of every one, not only that of a man but also that of a spirit and of an angel, forms a sphere about them, from which they are perceived, as to their quality, even afar off. Also by means of that sphere consociations and conjunctions are effected in the heavens, and also in the hells. And because the subject here treated of is the church, which is in love to the Lord from the Lord, and because that church is meant by the woman, and that love by the sun, therefore the woman encompassed with the sun signifies the church with those who are in love to the Lord from the Lord. We have also said "and thence in love towards their neighbour," because love towards the neighhour is derived from love to the Lord, as what is posterior from its prior, or what is exterior from its interior, in a word, as an effect from its efficient cause. For love to the Lord is to love and will those things that are from the Lord, consequently those things which the Lord has commanded in the Word; and love towards the neighbour is to act from that will, thus it consists in the performance of uses, which are effects. That the woman signifies a new church, which is to be established by the Lord, at the end of that which exists in the Christian world, is evident from what follows in this chapter, namely, that she brought forth a male child, which the dragon wished to devour, and which was caught up unto God, and that the woman fled into a wilderness, and that there also the dragon wished to destroy her. For from what follows it will be evident that the male child means the truth of the doctrine of that church, and the dragon those who are opposed to the truths of that doctrine. That the church (here meant by the woman) is the same church as the New Jerusalem, which is described in chap. xxi., and in verse 9 there, is called the bride, the Lamb's wife, will be seen in the explanation of that chapter.