Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 278

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278. 'Which are the prayers of the saints' signifies the thoughts that are of faith derived from the affections that are of charity, with those who worship the Lord out of spiritual goods and truths. By 'prayers' are understood the things that are of faith, and at the same time the things that are of charity, with those who pour forth prayers, since prayers without those things are not prayers but empty sounds. That saints signify those who are in spiritual goods and truths may be seen above (n. 173). 'Incense-offerings' are said to be 'the prayers of the saints' because fragrant odours correspond to affections of good and truth. This is why it is said so often in the Word 'a grateful odour', and 'an odour of rest to Jehovah', as Exod. xxix 18, 25, 41; Lev. i 9, 13, 17; ii 2, 9, 12; iii 5; iv 31; vi 15, 21 [H.B. 8, 14]; viii 28; xxiii 13, 18; xxvi 31; Num. xv 3, 7; xxviii 6, 8, 13; xxix 2, 6, 8, 13, 36; Ezek. xx 41; Hos. xiv 7. Similar things are signified by the 'prayers' that are called 'incense-offerings' in the following passages, in the Apocalypse:-

An angel standing at the altar, having a golden phial, and there was given to him many incense-offerings, that he should offer with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar; and the smoke of the incense-offerings with the prayers of the saints ascended up out of the angel's hand in full view of God Rev. viii 3-5;

and in David:-

Give ear unto my voice; my prayers have been accepted as incense before Thee Ps. cxli 1, 2.

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