Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 285

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285. It is said 'they shall reign over the land' because by 'land' here and elsewhere is understood the Lord's Church in the heavens and on Earth (in terris). The Church in both of these is the Lord's kingdom. Therefore, in case anyone should believe that all who have been redeemed by the Lord become kings and priests, and that they are going to reign over a land, it is important that it should be demonstrated out of the Word that 'land' signifies the Church. It is possible for this to be seen from the following passages:-

Behold Jehovah emptying the land, and stripping the land bare, and He shall turn over the face thereof; emptying, the land shall be emptied; the habitable land shall mourn and be confounded; the land shall be profaned under its inhabitants; therefore shall the curse devour the land, and the inhabitants of the land shall be burnt up, scarcely a man shall be left; there shall be in the midst of the land as the plucking of an olive tree. The cataracts from on high are opened, and the foundations of the land are shaken; breaking in pieces, the land is broken in pieces: bursting asunder, the land is burst asunder:

disturbing, the land is disturbed: staggering, the land staggers as if drunk Isa. [xxiv] 1-23.

The lion has come up out of the thicket to reduce thy land to a waste; I saw the land when, behold, it was empty and void; Jehovah said, The whole land shall be a waste, therefore the land shall mourn Jer. iv 7, 23-28.

How long shall the land mourn? The whole land is desolate, because there is no man laying [it] to heart Jer. xii 4, 11-13.

The land mourns and languishes, Lebanon has blushed and withered away Isa. xxxiii 9.

The land shall be turned into burning pitch, and be laid waste Isa. xxxiv 9, 10.

I have heard from the Lord a consummation and cutting short upon the whole land Isa. xxviii 2, 22.

Behold the day of Jehovah shall come to lay the land waste, and the land shall be shaken out of its place Isa. xiii 9-13.

The land was disturbed and it trembled, and the foundations of the mountains quaked Ps. xviii 6, 7 [H.B. 7, 8].

We will not fear when the land is moved; when He shall have uttered [His] voice, the land shall melt Ps. xlvi 2, 3, 6, 8 [H.B. 3, 4, 7, 9].

Do you not understand the foundations of the land? Isa. xl 21, 23.

O God, Thou hast forsaken us, Thou hast made the land begin to tremble; heal the breaches thereof, for it has been disturbed Ps. lx 1, 2 [H.B. 3, 4].

[3] The land and all its inhabitants shall melt; I will strengthen the pillars of it Ps. lxxv 2, 3 [H.B. 3, 4].

Woe to the land shadowed with wings. Go, O ambassadors to a nation trodden down, whose land the rivers have spoiled Isa. xviii 1, 2.

In the wrath of Jehovah Zebaoth is the land darkened Isa. ix 19 [H.B. 18]. You shall be a land of good pleasure Mal. iii 11, 12.

I have given thee for a covenant of the people to restore the land; sing, O heavens, and exult, O land Isa. xlix 8, 13.

Thou shalt not* see Jah in the land of the living ones Isa. xxxviii 11.

Who gave terror in the land of the living ones Ezek. xxxii 23-27.

Unless I had believed to see good in the land of life Ps. xxvii 13.

Blessed are the gentle, for they shall accept the inheritance of the land Matt. v 5.

I am Jehovah, making all things, the Only One spreading out the heavens, extending the land by Myself Isa. xliv 23, 24; Zech. xii 1; Jer. x 11-13, li 15; Ps. cxxxvi 6.

Let the land open itself, let it bring forth (fructificare) health; thus said Jehovah, creating the heavens, forming the land Isa. xlv 8, 12, 18, 19.

Behold, I create new heavens, and a new land Isa. lxv 17, lxvi 22;

besides in many other places which, if they were quoted, would fill a page. [4] The reason why the Church is signified by 'land' is because very often by 'land' is understood the land of Canaan, and in that land was the Church, the 'heavenly Canaan' being nothing else. It is also because when a land is named, angels, who are spiritual, do not think of the land but of the human race that is upon it and its spiritual state, and the spiritual state is the state of the Church. 'Land' also has an opposite sense, and in that it signifies damnation, for where there is no Church with a man there is damnation. 'Land' is named in this sense [in] Isa. xiv 12; xxi 9; xxvi 19, 21; xxix 4; xlvii 1; lxiii 6; Lam. ii 2, 10; Ezek. xxvi 20; xxxii 24; Num. xvi 29-33; xxvi 10; and elsewhere.

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