Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 299

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299. 'And the one sitting upon it having a bow' signifies that with these there is a doctrine of truth and good out of the Word, out of which they have fought against the untruths and evils that [come] out of hell, thus against hell. By the 'One sitting upon a white horse', of Whom Rev. xix 13 [treats], is understood the Lord as to the Word, but by the 'one sitting' upon this 'white horse' is understood a man [who is] an angel as to the doctrine of truth and good out of the Word, thus out of the Lord, in like manner as by the Lord's army in heaven, which 'was following the Lord upon white horses' (Rev. xix 14). Of the One sitting upon the white horse (Rev. xix) it is said that 'out of His mouth there went forth a sharp sword that with it He should smite the nations', and by the 'sword out of His mouth' is signified the Divine Truth of the Word fighting against untruths and evils (n. 52, 108, 117). Here, however, it is said that the one sitting on this white horse had 'a bow', and by 'a bow' is signified a doctrine of truth and good out of the Word fighting against evils and untruths. To fight against untruths and evils is also to fight against the hells, because evils and untruths are therefrom, and therefore this also is signified. [2] That 'a bow' in the Word signifies a doctrine fighting in either [a good sense or an opposite] sense can be confirmed from these passages:-

The darts of Jehovah are sharp, and all His bows bent, the hooves of His horses are accounted as rocks Isa. v 28.

The Lord has bent His bow like an enemy Lam. ii 4.

Thou, O Jehovah, ridest upon Thy horses, Thy bow shall be made naked Hab. iii 8, 9.

He gave the nations before Him, and made Him to rule over kings, He gave [them] as dust to His sword, as stubble to His bow Isa. xli 2.

In these passages 'a bow', because it [is said] of Jehovah or the Lord, signifies the Word, out of which the Lord with a man fights against evils and untruths.

I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the bow of war shall be cut off, until (contra) He shall speak peace to the nations Zech. ix 10.

They bend their tongue, their bow is a lie, and not the truth (veritas) Jer. ix 3 [H.B. 2].

Lo the wicked bend the bow, they make ready the arrows upon the string, to aim in the darkness at the upright in heart Ps. xi 2.

They shall provoke Joseph and take aim, the archers shall hate him, but he shall sit in the firmness of his bow from the hands of the strong Jacob Gen. xlix 23, 24. Put yourselves in array against Babel, all bending the bow shoot at her, do not spare the dart for she has sinned against Jehovah Jer. l 14, 29.

David lamented over Saul, to teach the sons of Judah the bow 2 Sam. i 17 [,18].

In that lamentation it treats of the combat of truth against untruths.

[3] Jehovah Zebaoth says, Behold I am breaking the bow of Elam, the beginning of his might Jer. xlix 35.

Jehovah has made me into a cleansed dart, in His quiver has He hidden me Isa. xlix 2.

Behold, sons are an heritage of Jehovah, blessed is he who has filled his quiver with them Ps. cxxvii 3-5.

'Sons' here, as elsewhere, signify truths of doctrine.

In Salem shall be the tabernacle of Jehovah, there broke He the strings of the bow, the shield, the sword, and the war Ps. lxxvi 1-3 [H.B. 2-4].

Jehovah will make wars to cease, He will break the bow, He will cut the spear asunder, He will burn up the chariot with fire Ps. xlvi 9 [H.B. 10]; Ezek. xxxix 8, 9; Hos. ii 18.

In these places a 'bow' signifies a doctrine of truth fighting against untruths, and in the opposite sense a doctrine of untruth fighting against truths. Consequently 'arrows' and 'darts' signify truths or untruths. Since a 'war' in the Word signifies a spiritual war, therefore the weapons of war, as sword, spear, buckler (clypeus), shield (scutum), bow, arrows, signify such things as belong to that war.

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