Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 308

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308. 'And there was given unto him a great sword' signifies the destruction of truth by means of the untruths of evil. That a 'sword' (gladius), a 'short sword' (machaera), and a 'long sword' (romphaea) signify truth fighting against untruths and destroying them, and in the opposite sense untruth fighting against truths and destroying them, may be seen above (n. 52). Here 'a great sword' signifies untruths of evil destroying truths of good. They are termed 'untruths of evil' because there are untruths not of evil, and these do not destroy truths but the former do. What is signified here by 'a great sword' is plain from the fact that presently 'a black horse' was seen, by which is signified the understanding of the Word utterly lost as to truth, and truth is not utterly lost except by means of evil.

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