397. [verse 6] 'And the seven angels having the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound' signifies [the spiritual angels] prepared and equipped for examining the state of the Church and consequently of the life with those for whom religion is faith alone. What is signified by 'trumpets' is established from the statute respecting the uses of them with the sons of Israel, concerning which [it is stated] thus in Moses:-
Jehovah spoke unto Moses, that he should make trumpets of silver for the calling together of the congregation, and for the departure of the camp, and that they should sound with them on days of joy, festivals, new moons, over the burnt-offerings and sacrifices; also that whenever they went to war against enemies attacking them they should sound an alarm with the trumpets, and that then they would come into remembrance before Jehovah God and be preserved from their enemies Num. x 1-10.
From these things it can be seen what is signified by 'to sound with trumpets'. That here by the seven angels sounding is signified the examination and making manifest of the quality of the state of the Church with those for whom religion is faith alone is plain from the details of this chapter, and from the details of the following chapters up to the sixteenth inclusive, understood in the spiritual sense. [2] From the uses of trumpets with the sons of Israel it can also be seen what is signified by 'trumpets' and 'sounding with them' in the following passages:-
Sound the horn (buccina) in Zion, and sound in the mountain of holiness, for the day of Jehovah is coming Joel ii 1, 2.
Jehovah shall appear over them, and His spear shall go forth as the lightning, and the Lord Jehovih shall sound the horn (buccina) Zech. ix 14.
Jehovah shall go forth as a lion*, and sound Isa. xlii 13.
In that day the great horn (buccina) shall sound, and those perishing in the land of Asshur, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, shall come and bow themselves down to Jehovah in the mountain of holiness Isa. xxvii 13.
He shall send angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from the extremities of the heavens to the extremities thereof Matt. xxiv 31.
Blessed is the people that know the sound, they shall walk, O Jehovah, in the light of Thy faces Ps. lxxxix 15 [H.B. 16].
When the morning stars sing, and the sons of God sound Job xxxviii [7].
[3] Since the sounds of trumpets used to signify such things, and in the Israelitish Church all things were put into effect (sistebantur) in accordance with the correspondences and consequently the significations, therefore also it came to pass:-
When Jehovah came down upon Mount Sinai, that there were voices and lightnings and a heavy cloud, and the voice of a horn (buccina) exceeding loud, and the voice of a horn (luccina) going and strengthening itself greatly, and the people in the camp trembled exceedingly Exod. xix 16-25.
For the same reason it came to pass that:-
When the three hundred with Gideon sounded with horns against Midian, then the sword of a man was against his companion, and they fled away Judg. vii 16-22.
In like manner that:-
Twelve thousand of the sons of Israel with the vessels of holiness and the trumpets in their hands overcame Midian Num. xxxi 1-8.
As also that:-
The wall of Jericho fell down, after the seven priests with seven horns compassed the city seven times Josh. vi 1-20.
It is therefore said in Jeremiah:-
Sound against Babel round about, her walls are destroyed Jer. l 15.
and in Zephanaiah:-
A day of darkness and thick-darkness, a day of the horn and of sounding over the fortified cities Zeph. i 15, 16. * Leo in the Original here, also in AE 502:8; but AR 500 and elsewhere heros (hero or mighty one), as in Hebrew.