695. 'And his kingdom was made dark' signifies that nothing but untruths were appearing. By 'darkness' untruths are signified, because truth is signified by 'light'. That 'darkness' signifies the untruths by means of which evils [come], and that 'thick darkness' signifies untruths derived from evils, may be seen above (n. 413). Consequently by 'the kingdom of the beast was made dark' is signified that nothing but untruths were appearing. That those who have confirmed faith separated from charity falsify the whole Word may be seen above (n. 136, 610); that they do not have any truths (n. 489, 501, 653); but merely untruths (n. 563, 597, 602). But the untruths of their faith do not indeed appear before themselves as dark, that is, as untrue, but they appear as full of light, that is, as true, after they have confirmed them. Nevertheless, while they are viewed from the light of heaven, which discovers all things, they appear as dark. Therefore while the light of heaven is inflowing into the vaults with those in hell it becomes so dark that they do not see one another. For this reason every hell has been closed so as not to leave a crevice open, and then they are in their own light. Their not appearing to themselves in darkness but in light, although they are in untruths, is because their untruths after they have confirmed them appear as truths to them. Their light results from this, but it is a foolish light such as is the light of the confirmation of what is untrue. This light corresponds to the light of the vision of owls and bats, to which the darkness is light and the light darkness, indeed, to which the sun is merely thick darkness. Such eyes do those get after death who have confirmed themselves in untruth in the world to the extent that they see untruth as true and truth as untrue.