706. 'Lest he walk naked, and they see his shame' signifies lest they should be with those who are in no truths, and their infernal loves should appear. By 'to walk naked' is signified to live without truths. By 'the shame of nakedness' or the private parts are signified unclean loves, which are infernal loves; and because it is said 'lest they see the shame' there it signified lest those [loves] should appear. That by 'nakedness' is signified ignorance of truth, and by 'shame of nakedness' infernal love, may be seen above (it 213). These things have been said for those who will be of the Lord's New Church, that they may learn truths and remain in them, since without truths the connate evils they have, which are infernal loves, are not removed. Without truths a man can indeed live as a Christian, but only before men, not before angels. The truths that they will learn are concerning the Lord, and concerning the precepts in accordance with which they will live.