Apocalypse Revealed (Coulsons) n. 727

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727. 'And pearls' signifies the cognitions of good and truth that are of the Word, with them. By 'pearls' in the spiritual sense are signified the cognitions of both celestial and spiritual good and truth that are derived from the Word, specifically from the sense of its letter; and because 'pearls' signify those cognitions, therefore they are named after the 'purple and scarlet' and the 'gold and precious stone'. The same cognitions are signified by 'pearls' in these passages:-

The kingdom of the heavens is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one precious pearl, going away sold all that he had, and bought it Matt. xiii 45, 46.

By this the cognition of the Lord is signified.

The twelve gates of the wall of the New Jerusalem were twelve pearls, each one of the gates was one pearl Rev. xxi 21.

'The gates of the New Jerusalem' signify entering into the New Church, and the entering is effected by means of cognitions of good and truth derived from the Word.

Cast not your pearls before swine, lest they trample on them with their feet and tear you to pieces Matt. vii 6.

By 'swine' are signified those who love only worldly wealth, and not the spiritual wealth consisting of cognitions of good and truth derived from the Word. Because by 'Babylon' is signified the form of religion by which the cognitions of good and truth derived from the Word have been rejected, it is said of her:-

The merchants of the land shall weep and mourn over Babylon, because no one is buying their merchandise, merchandise of gold and silver, of precious stone and pearls Rev. xviii [11,] 12.

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