Last Judgment (Cont.) (Chadwick) n. 72

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72. Many of them are capable of receiving the truth, and can see the rightness of arguments, as I was able to observe by talking with them in the spiritual world. I talked with them about the one God, resurrection and marriage. On the subject of one God they said they did not understand Christians talking about the Trinity and saying there are three Persons, each of whom is God, while still insisting that God is one. I replied that the angels in the Christian heaven do not say that, but that God is one in person and in essence in whom there is a threefold entity, which people on earth call three Persons. I said that this threefold entity is in the Lord; and to prove this I read to them the passages in Matthew and Luke which describe the Lord's conception from God the Father, and where He teaches that the Father and He are one. On hearing this they grasped the point, saying this meant that He had a Divine essence. [2] On resurrection they said that they did not understand what Christians said about people's state after death, likening the soul to wind or air, so that it had no chance of pleasure until reunited with the body on the day of the Last Judgment. I replied that only some Christians spoke in this way; but those who do not belong to that sect believe that after death they will reach heaven, talk with angels and experience heavenly joy, which, although they give no account of it, they do not distinguish from similar joy experienced in the world. I added that at the present time further revelations previously unknown about the state of people after death are being made to them.

On marriage, I had many conversations with them. I said among other things that the love of a married couple is a heavenly love, which cannot exist except between two persons; and association with more than one wife excludes the heavenly element in that love. They listened to my arguments and saw their rightness. They also grasped that polygamy had been permitted them because they are orientals, who but for that dispensation would have lusted more than Europeans after foul adulteries, and so would have been lost.

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