Divine Love and Wisdom (Rogers) n. 142

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142. Since these two loves-love toward the Lord and a love of ruling stemming from a love of self-are altogether opposed to each other, and because people who are prompted by love toward the Lord all turn to the Lord as the sun (as reported under the previous heading), it can be seen that people who are prompted by a love of ruling stemming from a love of self all turn their back to the Lord. They turn thus in opposite directions for the reason that people who are prompted by love toward the Lord love nothing more than to be led by the Lord, and they want the Lord alone to rule, whereas people who are prompted by a love of ruling stemming from a love of self love nothing more than to lead themselves, and they want only themselves to rule. We say a love of ruling stemming from a love of self, because a love of ruling is possible that stems from a love of performing useful services, a love which, because it goes hand in hand with love for the neighbor, is a spiritual love. But this love cannot be called a love of ruling, but a love of performing useful services.

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