Divine Love and Wisdom (Rogers) n. 163

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163. Without the two suns, one alive and the other lifeless, creation would not exist. The universe is divided in general into two worlds, one spiritual and one natural. Inhabiting the spiritual world are angels and spirits. Inhabiting the natural world are people. These two worlds are totally alike in their outward aspect-so alike that they cannot be distinguished-but in their inward aspect they are entirely unalike. The people who inhabit the spiritual world-who, as we said, are called angels and spirits-are themselves spiritual, and because they are spiritual, they think spiritually and speak spiritually. In contrast, people who inhabit the natural world are natural, and therefore they think naturally and speak naturally; and spiritual thought and speech have nothing in common with natural thought and speech. It is apparent from this that these two worlds, one spiritual and one natural, are entirely distinct from each other, so distinct that they cannot in any way blend together.

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