Divine Love and Wisdom (Rogers) n. 87

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87. The sun in the spiritual world appears to the eyes of angels as fiery for the reason that love and fire correspond to each other. For angels cannot with their eyes see love, but instead of love see that which corresponds to it. That is because angels just as people have an inner component and an outer one. Their inner component is the component that thinks and perceives and that wills and loves, and their outer component is the component that feels, sees, speaks and acts. Moreover, all their outward elements are correspondent reflections of inward ones, but correspondent reflections that are spiritual and not natural. Divine love is also felt as fire by spiritual beings. So it is that when fire is mentioned in the Word, it symbolizes love. Sacred fire in the Israelite Church symbolized Divine love. It is because of this that it is customary in prayers to God to ask that heavenly fire may kindle the heart, meaning that Divine love may do so.

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