872. Verse 14. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire, signifies that the wicked at heart, who in themselves were devils and satans, and yet in externals like men of the church, were cast into hell among those who were in the love of evil, and thence in the love of falsity agreeing with evil. By "death and hell" are signified the wicked at heart, who interiorly in themselves were devils and satans, and yet in externals like men of the church, as above (n. 870). By "the lake of fire" is signified hell, where they are who are in the love of evil, and thus in the love of the falsity agreeing with evil, thus who love evil, and confirm it by reasonings from the natural man, and still more they who confirm it by the sense of the letter of the Word. These cannot interiorly in themselves do otherwise than deny God, for such denial lies concealed in evil of life confirmed by falsities. "A lake" signifies where falsity abounds, and "fire" signifies the love of evil, as above (n. 835, 864). Its being said that "death and hell were cast into the lake of fire," is according to angelic speech, in which the person is not named, but that which is in the person, and makes him; here that in the person which makes his death and hell; that this is the case, may be seen from this that hell cannot be cast into hell.