Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 345

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345. [337] FOODS. There were some in the lowest heaven, to whom the atmosphere above appeared like water. I spoke with them and they said that they have choice foods, and they take them from the table and keep them until evening, and eat therefrom at will; but it is not allowed them to hide them until morning. This is what is meant in the Lord's prayer, "Give us daily bread." Concerning the manna it is said that it bred worms when it was kept. Then they were to burn up what was left of the paschal lamb; neither should they let anything from the sacrifices remain over; also that the bread of faces should be replaced anew every day. Thence it is evident why everyone is provided with spiritual daily bread by the Lord, and that it is not given as their own, and thus there should be no care concerning tomorrow, what they should eat and drink. Thus and not otherwise are good spirits in their works, and in their life and faith. Nothing is given to the evil, but only to him who is in work. Thus also all are held in bonds, thus every use is remunerated. [Marginal Note:] [338] Some are nourished at the tables of others, but those who are evil and hateful sit at the table and do not see the food.

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