Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 355

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355. [350] THE DELIGHT FROM THE GLORY OF BEING WISE, AND THE DELIGHT OF COMMANDING. The delight from the glory of being wise, and the delight of commanding I have sometimes seen that when they were in the delight of the love of ruling, they acted like foolish persons, believing then that they were wiser than others. But when they were turned about they were led back into their understanding. They then saw that they had been foolish. But because they more greatly loved that former delight which was foolish, and turned themselves continually to that foolishness, they then seemed to be in that wisdom, thus by turns, and still their understanding could not lead them back, but the will led. Concerning this many may be named from experience, as Charles XII., Benz, and others. This is a manifest sign that the will acts into the understanding, and not the understanding into the will. Nor is it so that they are converted by the Lord in the understanding by an influx of light into the voluntary, and that they are converted by hell to the delight of the will.

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