Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 48

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48. [47] They call only themselves who are of that faith alive, and all others who are not in that faith, dead; and they believe that they themselves are saved above all others, and that they are to come into the third heaven: but when they come into the first or lowest heaven among the angels, they do not endure the heavenly sphere there, which is derived especially from the goods of charity, and so far from faith; and they therefore flee away thence. Their aversion for that sphere has been perceived and felt by me. And moreover, in no heavenly society are they tolerated, because they think within themselves that all others but they are dead; thus also they have a dead idea concerning the angels themselves. If they come into the second heaven, and especially into the third, where love and charity, and thence the works of charity make the all of heaven, they are seized with pain as those who lie in the death struggle; and lividness comes over their eyes, and they make convulsive motions, and are tortured inwardly.

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