Divine Love and Wisdom (Harleys) n. 147

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147. It has been shown above that God is not in space, and that He is therefore Omnipresent, also that the Divine is the same everywhere but that His apparent variety is in angels and men from varying reception. Now because the Divine Proceeding from the Lord as a Sun is in light and heat, and light and heat first inflow into universal recipients, which in the world are called atmospheres, and these are the recipients of clouds, it can be established that in whatever way the interiors belonging to the understanding of a man or an angel are veiled about by such clouds, so he is a receptacle of the Divine Proceeding. By clouds are understood spiritual clouds which are thoughts which, if they are from truths, are in agreement with Divine Wisdom, but if from false things, are in disagreement. Wherefore also in the spiritual world when thoughts from truths are presented to the sight they appear as white clouds, but thoughts from false things appear as black clouds. From the foregoing it can be established that the Divine Proceeding is indeed in every man, but is variously veiled by each.

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