Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead) n. 754

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754. Having great anger, signifies hatred against spiritual truths and goods, which are of faith and life from the Word, consequently against those who are in them. This is evident from the signification of "great anger," as being, in reference to the devil, hatred. For in reference to the Lord "anger" signifies zeal, which however has heaven within it; but in reference to the devil it means hatred, which has hell within it. That these and many other things are signified by "anger" and "wrath" may be seen above (n. 413, 481 at the end, 647, 693). The devil's hatred is against spiritual truths and goods, because merely natural truths and goods are the direct opposites of these, for merely natural truths and goods are in their essence falsities and evils, although to those who are merely natural and sensual they appear to be truths and goods; because their goods are pleasures and delights flowing from the loves of self and the world, and their truths are whatever favor those goods; consequently as the loves of self and of the world are from hell, these goods and truths are in their essence evils and falsities. But spiritual truths and goods are in their essence truths and goods, because these goods are delights flowing from love to the Lord and from love towards the neighbor, and spiritual truths are what teach these goods; and these truths and goods are called spiritual because they are from the Lord through heaven, since everything that proceeds from the Lord is called spiritual. And since these truths and goods cannot be received by man unless he believes them and does them, it is added, which are of faith and life from the Word. To live from the Word is to live from the Lord, for the Lord is in the Word, yea, He is the Word. [2] Now as merely natural truths and goods, which in their essence are falsities and evils, are altogether opposite to spiritual truths and goods, which in their essence are truths and goods, therefore the devil, by whom is meant hell, is in unceasing hatred against them. This is why hatreds of various kinds are unceasingly ascending from the hells; while on the other hand, spiritual loves also of various kinds descend from the heavens, and between the hatreds of the hells and the loves of the heavens there is an equilibrium, in which the men in the world are held, in order that they may be able to act from freedom according to reason. Consequently those who do not live from the Word but from the world, since they continue natural, receive evils and the falsities thence from hell, and conceive from them hatred against spiritual truths and goods. Their hatred does not appear in the world, because it lies concealed inwardly in their spirit; but it becomes manifest after death, when they become spirits. Then they burn against those who are in spiritual truths and goods with a hatred so great that it cannot be described; it is indeed a deadly hatred; for as soon as they see an angel who is in these truths and goods, or if they merely hear the Lord named, from whom these truths and goods are, they instantly come into a fury of hatred, and feel nothing more delightful than to pursue them and to do evil to them. And as they are unable to slay their body they endeavor with a burning heart to slay their soul. [3] It is said, "Woe to those that inhabit the earth and the sea, for the devil is come down unto you having great anger," because after the Last Judgment the state of the spiritual world was altogether changed. Before the Last Judgment those who were able to live a civil and moral life in externals, although they were not spiritual, were permitted to form for themselves seeming heavens, and to enjoy there pleasures like those in the world; but after the Last Judgment was accomplished this is no longer permitted, for now everyone according to his life is carried off, he who is merely natural to hell and he who is spiritual to heaven. This also is the meaning of the words, "the dragon and his angels were cast out of heaven into the earth," namely, that before this it was granted them to have conjunction with the angels who were in the lowest heavens, and because of this to form for themselves such heavens; but now this is no longer permitted. This, then, is what is meant particularly by the hatred against those who are in spiritual truths and goods, which hatred is signified by the "great anger" that the devil has against "those that inhabit the earth and the sea."

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