Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead) n. 857

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857. Verse 3. And they were singing as it were a new song, signifies respecting acknowledgment and confession of the Lord. This is evident from the signification of a "song," as being confession from joy of heart; and of "a new song," as being acknowledgment and confession of the Lord, thus glorification of Him (see above, n. 326). Songs are mentioned in many passages of the Word, especially in David, and they signify confession and glorification of God by singing; and where it is said "a new song" confession and glorification of the Lord is signified, for this song is called new for the reason that in the churches before the Lord's coming Jehovah was praised in songs; and after the Lord had come into the world and had manifested Himself He too was praised in songs; while now in the church that is hereafter to be established, which is meant by "the New Jerusalem," the Lord alone will be praised; but as it was the same Lord in the ancient churches, although praised under the name "Jehovah" who is now called the Lord, and as thus the song respecting Him, regarded in itself, is not new, so it is said to be "as it were a new song." Here, therefore, it is called new, because it is for the New Church which is hereafter to be established by the Lord.

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