905. Behold a white cloud, signifies the Divine truth in ultimates, such as the Word is in the sense of the letter, within which is the spiritual sense. This is evident from the signification of a " cloud," as being the Divine truth in ultimates, and thus the Word in the sense of the letter (of which above, n. 36, 594); and this cloud appeared "white" because of the shining through it of the Divine truth in the heavens, such as the Word is in the spiritual sense, for all whiteness that appears in the heavens exists from the light of heaven, which in its essence is the Divine truth. This is why the angels, who are in the Divine truth, are clothed in white and shining garments. (That Divine truth proceeding from the Lord as a sun is the light of heaven, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell, n. 126-140; and that white for this reason is predicated in the Word of truths, see above, n. 196.)