Earths in the Universe (Chadwick) n. 166

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166. In addition I saw in that world their homes, which were low, long houses, with windows in the sides corresponding to the number of apartments or rooms into which they were divided. The roof was rounded, and there was a door at either end. They said that they were built of earth and roofed with turf. The windows were made of grass thread, so woven as to admit light. I also saw some children. They said their neighbours visited them, especially because of their children, so that they could enjoy the company of other children under the eyes and protection of their parents.

There were also fields to be seen which were turning white as the crop was almost ripe. I was shown the seeds or grain of that crop, which resembled the grains of Chinese wheat.* I was also shown loaves made from this, which were small, breaking up into four pieces. Grassy plains with flowers were also to be seen there, as well as trees with fruits like pomegranates. There were shrubs which, though not vines, bore berries from which they prepared wine. [* Probably rice. -TR.]

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